The Cramm Award No 1

Hello, friends! Today's post is a new award post! Joy nominated me for the Cramm Award. Thank you so much for nominating me, Joy! Everyone go follow her blog because she's fabulous! She's a beauty blog with amazing photos and great content! Plus she so sweet, so everyone check her out!
Let me tell you more about the creator: the Cramm Award was created by Liv, the owner of theCramm. Make sure to check out her blog after reading this.Rules

 1. Include a little bit about who created this award (with a link) and mention the person who nominated you 

 2. Share 3 things that motivate you to blog and share 3 people that motivate you to blog as well.

 3. Answer your challenge question

 4. Nominate your choice of bloggers and give them a challenge question.
3 things that motivate me to write my blog

 1. Motherhood. I want to show my kids that you need to do what makes you happy, no matter what. Despite the fact that we have a chaotic schedule, I still blog because it makes me happy. 

 2. I love writing. I always have. Even when I was a teenager I would write poems about my anguish and hard times. English 101 was my favorite class in college and I actually ended up with a 99.7 in that class.

3. It's mine. After becoming a wife and mother, I found myself so devoted to my family that I feel like I wasn't there for me. I lost myself in my family. I'm not saying I'm not still devoted to my family. They always come first. No matter what. But I realized that for them to have the best wife and mommy, I need to do things for myself too. I need to be happy too. That's what my blog is for me.
3 people that motivate me to blog

My husband is number one. He's my best friend. He shares in my celebration of hitting blogging milestones, too and gives me his opinions when I ask for them. He doesn't read my blog and I kind of like that. Not that I don't want him to read it or I'm hiding anything, but it's nice to just write and not have to think about how anyone is going to react to it. Number two is my blogging friends. They know who they are, but they're nothing short of amazing. They always lift me up when I'm feeling nervous or self conscious about a post. They always have kind words. I love them. And third is the youtubers I watch. When I watch them playing with makeup or talking about makeup, I see myself. The excitement and life in their eyes makes me want to show someone that same passion that I also have for makeup. 

Challenge question

Ashley’s challenge question is: “What is your favorite genre of movies, why and what is your favorite movie belonging to that category? [Mine is fantasy and/or psychological thrillers]"

 My favorite genre of movies are love stories. The sappy ones that make you cry and re-evaluate your own love life. The ones that are so cliche that it's almost unbelievable that the situation really happened. 
I love those kinds of movies because I'm a hopeless romantic. I believe in true love like Cory and Topanga or Rebecca and Uncle Jesse. I really believe that those cliche once in a lifetime situations and feelings happen and I think it's beautiful. 

My favorite movie is obviously The Notebook. That movie is so beautiful and full of passion. I remember the first time j saw it. I was beside myself. My feelings were overwhelming. I couldn't wait to have that kind of love. And now here I am, living the dream. ❤️

My challenge question is: What is your favorite genre of music and why? If you were lyrics to a song, what line of lyrics would you be and why?

I nominate 

Beauty Siren
Brooke Clarke

I hope you all enjoyed reading my first Cramm Award post. I had so much fun writing it. Thank you again, Joy for nominating me. I love this award! Everyone please check out all the blogs I mentioned in this post and I promise you won't regret it! Thank you all so much for reading. See you tomorrow! 


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